Mode Collapse
In Mode Collapse we explored with Xiaowan Yi the use of Deep Learning algorithms for sound generation in live electronic music performances, combining different stlyes within a techno narrative.
Pain and pleasure are the different sides of the same coin. Arm-wrestling sensations that crush our mind towards the primal. As said by Marvin Minsky “Too much suffering diminishes us by restricting the complexities that constitute our very selves. It must be the same for pleasure as well.” Artificial brains seem to suffer from similar problems. They can lock into repeating themselves in order to sustain the presence of a reward signal. If we build machines in our likeness, how can we learn to think differently?

Live at Iklectic (London) 2023
Lo Barato Sale Caro
Back in Argentina, Lo Barato Sale Caro was my primary music project. A flexible funk power-trio of friends that generally incorporated guest musics in the gigs, I had the best of the times playing with them. While being the main vocalist and composer, I played the guitar or the synthesizer depending of the song.
The flexibility of the band allowed me to explore different genres within it, such as blues, funk, Classic R&B and West Coast. In 2017 we issued our first and only EP comprising five original songs.
Eclécticos was a pop band with original songs and many popular covers. I played as a regular drop-in keyboardist when time allowed me. The composer, guitarist and friend Pablo Benedetti invited me to record synthesizer and Rhodes piano in two of their songs.
Novansamba Duo
With Novansamba I explored the enchanting sound of Bossa-Nova. An excellent middle step for learning jazz armony while keeping things not so complicated. While playing in this duo I learned many interesing armonic and rythmic techniques in guitar playing. I also jumped to the piano from time to time.
Raices de limon

In this beautiful family of reggae and ska I explored my rockiest
side playing lead electric guitar.
One of the first groups I took part with, I played synthesizer while doing 80’s covers.